Thursday, May 15, 2014

Before I Go (Part 1): Goals

In preparation for my internship abroad, the recruiting agency asked me to outline a few goals for my time abroad. In a webinar (which they actually held several weeks ago) they gave an analogy about Miley Cyrus. They talked about how over the past year she has “re-invented” herself. Their point was that while many people use studying abroad as an opportunity to “re-invent” themselves, they don’t always consider how they want to be re-invented. By having some goals, in mind, it easier to look for and seek out the experiences that can help aid in this transformative process.

Using the instructions they sent me, I was asked to classify my goals into the categories of Academic, Professional, Personal, Social, and Cultural. To start, I made a list of all the things I want to do in China. I came up with the following:
·       Learn Chinese
·       Eat good food
·       See the great wall, forbidden city, and other famous “Chinese things”
·       Understand more about Chinese history
·       See how China has influenced the world’s history
·       Experience Buddhism and Confucianism
·       Meet people
·       Experience how Chinese social life works
·       Hike/spend time outdoors in nature
·       Observe Chinese business practices
·       Understand unique cultural difference to China.

There were  a few other items that floated around in my head (like overcome jetlag as quickly as possible—certainly faster than I did in Europe) but they didn’t seem significant enough to note. I then combined and condensed some of the ideas I had to formulate them into goals. Here is my official list:

I would like to observe business interactions to understand the professional atmosphere and environment of business in China.

I would like to observe management styles and techniques in China to better understand leadership in the context of a different culture.

·       I would like to learn Chinese language, to be largely proficient and conversational
·       I would like to learn customs in China, specifically manners and etiquette/expectations

·       I would like to see how life in China is different (ie: what are typical hopes, dreams, hobbies, routines, etc.)
·       I would like to experience different religions that are prominent in China.

I would like to meet people—both internationals and locals—to understand their perspective on the world and form both professional and social contacts.

I would like to see lots of different parts and sights in China.

·       I would like to understand Chinese history and how it has influenced world history
·       I would like to learn to adapt my behavior to “fit in” with daily norms in China.

I actually really enjoyed the process of thinking through these goals. In my head, I know what I want the experience to be, but crystalizing it helps me to think through what I will need to do to accomplish these activities.
It has also reminded me of another important goal. This is something I was really good at in Europe, but have gotten away from since returning to the US.

·       I would like to live in the moment and go with the flow so that I can fully appreciate and experience each and every second of my adventure.

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